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RD&I Projects

Project TitleDescription / ResumeMembersPeriod (Start-End date)Project PartnersPhoto
Biourb – Transboundary Constructive Diversity, Bioclimatic Building and its adaptation to Modern Architecture and Urbanism. (INTE RREG)Elaboration of the Manual for the conservation and rehabilitation of Bioconstructive Diversity and the realization of a training course related to the project.
Biourb Natur – Bioclimatic Building and Rehabilitation and its Application in Natural Spaces 0414_BIOURB_NATUR_2_E (INTE RREG)Identification of constructive and sustainable solutions in buildings inserted in natural spaces
REhab-IND – Revitalization and Sustainable Rehabilitation of Interconnected and Efficient Cross-Border Industrial Areas (INTERREG). Project co- financed by the ERDF under the POCTEP.Transfer the results of the experiences acquired in the promotion of the rehabilitation of residential buildings as activity engine, developing them and adapting them to the specific problem and singular of the industrial areas
VALORCOMP - Valorisation of compost and other residues from the organic fraction of urban solid waste. Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER)VALORCOMP aims to contribute cooperatively to solving cross-border recovery of waste generated in the treatment of the organic fraction of urban solid waste
Social and environmental vulnerability of traditional villages in northeast of Portugal at riskIdentify social and environmental vulnerability factors in rural areas of the Northeast of Portugal. The objectives of this work are to: (1) define indices that describe vulnerability to human and environmental factors (including fire vulnerability). This characterization should be carried out at the level of each selected village as a case study; (2) provide proposals for intervention and valuation of this built heritage.
Automatização de Processos de Soldadura de Estruturas Hiperestáticas em Ligas de AlumínioEste projeto tem como objetivo a promoção da tecnologia de soldadura robotizada, avançada, e com carácter de significativo grau de transversalidade à indústria, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento de processos mais eficientes, em termos de utilização de recursos de produção, em processo de soldadura.